An innovation way to present products
Voxreal convert your branding content into a 3D visual hologram signage.
Enhance Branding
Voxreal delivers enhanced feasibility of objects including depth, ensure your branding concept difficult to replicate as it is difficult to alter or transpose.
No projection screen needed
VOX-D model can be viewed from any angle and it can be installed easily at anyplace in any business premises.

Cost-effective to construct 3D content
Voxreal create 3D content for you in a cost-effective way and quick turn-around services, you could sit back and relax.
5G Extension
Voxreal technology can be easily integrated into other 5G technology to hence the complex patterns and secure your branding content.
Higher storage
VOX-D model potentially display 30 + of 3D contents in single VOX-D model, significantly reduced your update cost compare to traditional method.